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外国议员眼中的中国式现代化 | 所罗门群岛国会议员、前总理:全过程人民民主让每个声音都能被听到

发布时间:2024-11-05 作者:佚名 来源:广东人大网




  所罗门群岛国会议员、前总理里克·霍尼普维拉(Rick Houenipwela)指出全过程人民民主独特的包容性。他观察到,中国的基层民主制度使得包括残障人士在内的所有群体都可参选人大代表,体现出一个真正让每个声音都能被听到的制度。


  Recently, parliamentarians from nine Pacific island nations—Fiji, Kiribati, the Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, and Vanuatu—visited Guangdong, China to explore its innovations in sustainable development, agricultural technology, and circular economy practices, as well as the implementation of China's whole-process people's democracy.

  Solomon Islands MP and former Prime Minister Hon. Rick Houenipwela highlighted the unique inclusivity of this democratic system, noting how the grassroots democracy ensures representation for all groups, including people with disabilities. This, he said, exemplifies a system where every voice is genuinely heard.

  Houenipwela also emphasized that this model of expressing public opinion differs from the top-down leadership selection common in many countries, with representatives from ordinary backgrounds presenting proposals based on real-life experiences.

  While acknowledging that certain aspects may be challenging to replicate directly in his own country, he believes there are valuable lessons to be learned from Guangdong's approach.

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上一篇: 外国议员眼中的中国式现代化 | 所罗门群岛国会议员、前总理:在街头看到中国式现代化的本质是共同富裕 下一篇: 外国议员眼中的中国式现代化 | 瑙鲁议会议员:我看到的不是西方描绘的中国